淺析仲裁裁決在香港的執行 (Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong) – 2023 年 2 月 16 日 下午 5:30 至 晚上 6:30
Hong Kong Arbitration Webinar 香港仲裁讲座
如果您正在考虑于香港执行仲裁裁决,请不要错过我们将举行的线上讲座*。Denis Chang’s Chambers的叶海琅大律师将联同Deminor Litigation Funding 法务总监李颖茵律师,讲解于香港执行仲裁裁决的基本步骤及债务追讨的各种机制,并透过案例阐释第三方资助的运作方式。
点击注册参加Zoom线上讲座 |
如有任何查询,请联系Denis Chang’s Chambers的业务发展经理陈双欣 (Sonia Chan),邮箱为 [email protected]。
Are you contemplating enforcing arbitral awards in Hong Kong? In our upcoming webinar*, our Richard Yip will join forces with Deminor Litigation Funding’s General Counsel Irene Lee to provide a practical overview on the enforcement of arbitral awards in Hong Kong including various mechanisms for recovery of assets from debtors, as well as case studies that illustrate how third-party funding works.
Join us on 16 February 2023 (Thursday) at 5:30pm to 6:30pm (HKT) for an engaging discussion! The webinar will be conducted in Mandarin and held on Zoom.
Register for the Zoom Webinar |
*CPD accreditation has been applied for.
We look forward to seeing you at our event. For enquiries, please reach out to Sonia Chan, Practice Development Manager, at [email protected].
Presenters 讲者介绍
叶海琅 (Richard Yip)
“[叶海琅大律师]的研究和分析非常透彻。 他愿意多走一步,为客户的案件制定不同的战略。” 叶海琅大律师的执业范畴广泛,涵盖公司法、商业诉讼、金融监管及竞争法的领域。 他更以处理股东纠纷和涉及违反董事职责的案件的经验而著称。 叶大律师同时活跃於跨境商业争议仲裁,经常在香港境内外的仲裁中担任原告人和答辩人的律师。他尤其在香港国际仲裁中心管理的仲裁案件方面拥有丰富经验,并且非常熟悉其紧急仲裁程序及加快仲裁程序。 叶大律师於2011年取得执业资格并加入 Denis Chang’s Chambers。在此之前,他在史密夫斐尔与科伟律师事务所 (Herbert Smith Freehills) 担任企业融资律师。叶大律师积极参与社区和学术活动;他现时为香港大学的兼职讲师。 点击此处进一步了解叶海琅大律师的经验。 “Richard is thorough in his research and analysis. He is willing to go the extra mile in formulating different case plans for clients.” Richard’s broad civil practice has a focus on companies practice, commercial litigation, financial regulation and competition law. He is noted for his experience in shareholder disputes and matters involving breach of directors’ duties. Richard also has a thriving practice in cross border commercial arbitration, having acted as Counsel for both claimants and respondents in arbitrations seated in and outside Hong Kong. In particular, Richard has ample experience in arbitrations administered by the HKIAC, and is very familiar with its emergency arbitrator procedure and expedited procedure. Prior to joining Denis Chang’s Chambers in 2011, Richard was a corporate finance solicitor at Herbert Smith Freehills. Richard is actively involved in the community and academia. He is a part time lecturer at the University of Hong Kong. Visit Richard’s profile for more details.
李颖茵 (Irene Lee)
李颖茵律师為Deminor Litigation Funding的法务总监。她先後毕业於香港大学(法律及工商管理学士)和英国伦敦大学(法律硕士),持有香港和英国律师执业资格。李律师在加入Deminor之前,先後在两家知名的国际律师事务所及一所国际投资银行工作长达十余年,从事複杂商业纠纷、国际仲裁和金融规管工作。 李律师现职一家欧洲的第叁方诉讼及仲裁资助机构,为当事人在世界各地的诉讼和仲裁中,提供法律资金,亦为投资者为投资损失进行索偿。李律师同时为香港城市大学法律系兼任讲师兼任法律系讲师。 Irene Lee is a Hong Kong-qualified solicitor. She joined Deminor in November 2020. Based in Hong Kong, Irene focuses on (i) finding and assessing new litigation funding opportunities in Hong Kong, Mainland China and South East Asia, (ii) advising and working with clients and law firms on funded cases and (iii) actively participating in the development of Deminor’s activities in the region. |
免责声明:此講座只提供有关在香港执行仲裁裁决的一般信息,并不构成法律建议。 注册参加講座仅构成参加该活动的协议,而不是給予律师的指示。 除非另有说明,在講座中表达的观点仅为讲者的观点,并不代表 Denis Chang’s Chambers的观点。
Disclaimer: Seminars, webinars, training presentations or workshops (“Events”) and related materials produced by Members of Denis Chang’s Chambers (“DCC“) provide general information regarding particular subjects and are not intended to constitute legal advice. Registering for an event only constitutes an agreement to attend it, not instructions to Counsel. Except as otherwise noted, the views expressed at Events are the views of the speakers only and do not represent the opinions of all other Members of DCC.